Langfocus: Arabic

Word of the Day | كلمة اليوم

  • الوُضُوْء
  • Ablution*
  • معنى (من ويكيبيديا)
  • Meaning (from Wikipedia) 
  •  في الشرع الإسلامي هو: أفعال مخصوصة هي: النية، وإيصال الماء إلى أعضاء مخصوصة. وأركانه: (النية عند غسل الوجه، وغسل الوجه، ثم غسل اليدين إلى المرفقين، ثم مسح الرأس أو جزء منه ثم غسل الرجلين)
  • In Islamic Law it is: specific actions, they are: Niyya [intention, specifically with a religious meaning], and channeling water to specific body parts (organs). Its basic elements: (Niyya when washing the face and washing the face, then washing the hands [in dual] up to the elbows [in dual], then wiping the head or a part of it with water then washing the feet [in dual])
  •  لأن الإسلام دين أكبر في العالم العربي, هناك أحواض وضوء في أماكن كثيرة
  • Because Islam is the largest religion in the Arab World, there are ablution stations in many places.

Ablution isn't a common word in English. It's not very common in Arabic either, except in religious contexts.

Purity is a very important concept in Islam, and Muslims, the followers of Islam, must perform Wudhu' (وضوء) before praying. Wudhu' has specific steps; in addition to performing the physical aspects of wiping body parts with water, one must make Niyya (which I might cover in another Word of the Day).

Thus, making Wudhu' is a routine part of being a Muslim and since the majority of Arabs are Muslims, it's not surprising that there are accommodations for Wudhu' in many mosques, bathrooms, and buildings.

I encourage every learner who can, to read the Wikipedia article on Wudhu'. It should not be too difficult for the intermediate learner and it contains frequently used religious words. Plus, reading the specific steps in the article can help guide you if you ever want to create a process-list or a to-do list in Arabic.
