Langfocus: Arabic

Word of the Day | كلمة اليوم

  • السحر
  • Magic
  • السِحر مصطلح عام يستعمل لوصف فعالية تقوم بتغيير حالة شيء ما أو شخص ما في نطاق التغيير الذي يمكن للشيء أو الشخص أن يتعرض له دون خرق لقوانين الطبيعة و الفيزياء ويعتقد البعض إن بإمكان هذه الفعاليات خرق قوانين الفيزياء في بعض الحالات، وهناك على الأغلب التباس بين السحر وخفة اليد والشعوذة وتستعمل كلمة السحر كمرادف لجميع هذه المصطلحات التي تختلف عن بعضها البعض.
  • Magic is a general term used to describe the potential to effectively change the condition of something or someone in so much that the thing or person be exposed to it without breaking the laws of nature and physics and some believe that these events can break the laws of Physics in some cases, and there's often confusion between magic and sleight of hand and sorcery and the word magic is used as a synonym for all of these terms which differ from each other.
It's worth knowing that in the Arab world, magic is often associated with the idea of what is called black magic in English. Therefore, 'doing magic' is often equivocated with evil and sometimes shirk (شرك -- associating [ala sharing] partners with God, which is a major sin in Islam). But this doesn't imply that magic is completely absent from society -- in many rural areas, (uneducated) people might go to a 'magic man' to solve their problems. Small portions of society also believe in 'magical charms', which can be bought if you know the right person.

That's all for now! Apologies for the relatively short post today! I am currently working some substantive articles which I hope to complete soon. Also, I have school. But I promise (أَعِد) that there will be some articles.
